Our life makes sense when it becomes meaningful to someone else's life.
Logo fundação terra
(only US$ 1 per day)
You provide drinking water and milk for a children during 30 days
- Father Airton Freire de Lima
(only US$ 2 per day)
Guarantees food and shelter for a child at risk.
(only US$ 2,66 per day)
Cover the costs of education, food and school supplies for a poor child.
(only US$ 5 per day)
Help an elderly person with food, shelter and medication.

Our life makes sense when it becomes meaningful to someone else's life.
Logo fundação terra
(only US$ 1 per day)
You provide drinking water and milk for a children during 30 days
- Father Airton Freire de Lima
(only US$ 2 per day)
Guarantees food and shelter for a child at risk.
(only US$ 2,66 per day)
Cover the costs of education, food and school supplies for a poor child.
(only US$ 5 per day)
Help an elderly person with food, shelter and medication.
Hunger, cold, helplessness, fear. This is the reality of thousands of people in Brazil who experience different deprivations and experience atrocious suffering. The lack of support from the State, which is often ineffective, relegates thousands of people to a situation of social vulnerability that no one should be forced to experience. Therefore, your donation is essential for us.

Donating is an act of love for others and we count on it to provide access to basic items such as school supplies and hygiene supplies for several families around Brazil.

Your donation can be the light at the end of the tunnel for a family. Donate and return the smile of thousands of Brazilian children.

Importance of your donation

Your donation represents what is most beautiful in the human being: compassion. Through this touch of love for our neighbor, we are transforming people's lives, giving them back the dignity, the willpower, and the brilliance of life that each existence has within itself.

Through the act of charity, we can help women to achieve financial independence, providing empowerment and autonomy; offering healthy, nutritious and balanced food for many children to become healthy adults; welcome elderly people with affection and care so that they feel safe and protected.

Donate love. Make the world a better place for all.

How your donation makes the difference

In numbers

children with access to education
meal dishes served
36 years
taking care of elderly people
healthcare visits done
It doesn't take big things to make the difference
- Father Airton Freire de Lima
Return to your community the grace of abundance, contribute through your company and transform the lives of thousands of people into socio-economic vulnerability in Brazil. We have several contribution quotas and your company can embrace our cause with different values.

Corporate donations

minimum donation


minimum donation


minimum donation


• Company name included on Fundação Terra's website as Friendly Companies
• Empresa Amiga's stamp for dissemination
• Company name included on Fundação Terra's website as Friendly Companies
• Empresa Amiga's stamp for dissemination;
• Empresa Amiga's stamp in letterhead material, virtual institutional communication material and e-mail signature
• Fundação Terra's stamp frame
Empresa Amiga's stamp for dissemination;
Empresa Amiga's stamp in letterhead material, virtual institutional communication material and e-mail signature;
• Fundação Terra's stamp frame;
• Company name included on Fundação Terra's website as Friendly Companies
Minimum membership period: 12 months.

Become a company Gift

Go further with support through your company and plant seeds to strengthen the Fundação Terra in the long term in a structural way. Talk to us to learn how to make big donations as a company and be part of this community and impact thousands of lives.
Donation is an act of love that must be enhanced every time it happens. The Fundação Terra has several ways to receive your donation. See below what they are and be part of this chain of good.

Other ways to donate

It was the first time I donated through Income Tax. I wanted to, but I didn't know how to do it and I thought it was complicated! It’s very simple, besides the satisfaction is enormous and we are sure that the tax we still need to pay, will be used to help those who need it most!
- Cândida Lima Glasner, architect
It is within your power to make a difference and set an example to start, because others will follow you, and a beautiful and great work already started or shared by you will be strengthened and the bond of charity will continue
- Father Airton Freire de Lima
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There are many good people wanting to help. If they realize that the intention is right, it is true, it is correct, many will come together to help. They just want to find who or what they can contribute and trust.

Other ways to support

Solidarity initiatives
Organize initiatives such as solidarity races with food collection or solidarity bazaar with Fundação Terra.
Solidarity Celebrations
Raise donations at events such as birthdays, weddings, baptisms and help Fundação Terra transform lives
Support project
Support one of Fundação Terra's project of your choice, such as renovating a school or painting a house.
Become an ambassador of Fundação Terra
Receive your own donation page to raise funds and help Fundação Terra to transform lives.
You can get involved in our activities or you can involve your company and engage your employees in our actions.
” The present is a gift given to us”


Liliane Manuely Henrique
I have six children at home, in a tight spot. I am very grateful to Fundação Terra and to Father Airton because, if it weren't for them, only God knows how I would have been. Thank you so much for everything! Many thanks to the donors and may God help each one
Resident of the old Rua do Lixo
Edvânia da Silva Souza
I ask all good-hearted people to continue donating and helping us. If they stop donating, bread will be missing, a cookie will be missing, because we really need it a lot. If it weren't for the Fundação Terra, I would be in a very bad situation, the suffering would be greater.
Resident of the old Rua do Lixo
Father Airton Freire de Lima
Main questions about the work carried out by the Fundação Terra


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